Come Good Home
From as far back as I can remember, this was a saying my Rathkamp relatives said to each other (repeatedly!) as we said our goodbyes on Christmas Eve, Easter, or any family get-together.
My cousins and I used to giggle because to us, kids raised in the '70's, it sounded old, square, silly.
It wasn't until I was much older and researching my family genealogy that I discovered the meaning/origin of the phrase. It turns out that this phrase didn't originate with my Rathkamp ancestors, but rather those ancestors who came from Pommerania, on my dad's mom's side of the family. The actual German phrase was "Komm Gut Heim".
My grandmother was a 3rd generation American but didn't learn to speak English until grade school. I'm guessing it was in her generation that Kumm Gut Heim made the leap to its very close English cousin, Come Good Home.
While we didn't appreciate it as kids, I get sentimental about it today and celebrate what it meant to our family. To me, it says "Thanks for getting together with us, we enjoyed your company. Travel safe and cherish the good times we had."
From as far back as I can remember, this was a saying my Rathkamp relatives said to each other (repeatedly!) as we said our goodbyes on Christmas Eve, Easter, or any family get-together.
My cousins and I used to giggle because to us, kids raised in the '70's, it sounded old, square, silly.
It wasn't until I was much older and researching my family genealogy that I discovered the meaning/origin of the phrase. It turns out that this phrase didn't originate with my Rathkamp ancestors, but rather those ancestors who came from Pommerania, on my dad's mom's side of the family. The actual German phrase was "Komm Gut Heim".
My grandmother was a 3rd generation American but didn't learn to speak English until grade school. I'm guessing it was in her generation that Kumm Gut Heim made the leap to its very close English cousin, Come Good Home.
While we didn't appreciate it as kids, I get sentimental about it today and celebrate what it meant to our family. To me, it says "Thanks for getting together with us, we enjoyed your company. Travel safe and cherish the good times we had."
What originally started as an idea to buy some land to enjoy on weekends with my kids has turned into Come Good Home Woodcrafters.
As I get older, I find myself looking for ways to give a special gift to my kids. This isn't a physical gift, this is something deeper. This is time spent together, wisdom, joy, passion, a small legacy.
Having realized that our busy, out of sync lives wouldn't really allow us to enjoy a weekend getaway, my solution was to start a small family business, with each of us contributing in our own way, all of us pulling together in the same direction, even while physically being miles apart.
Everything we design and make in our shop is done through a unique blend of technology and old world craftsmanship. The craftsmanship has been passed on through generations of our family. Many of us have pieces of furniture or art that were made by my grandfather. I even have a nativity scene, made in Germany, that was passed on from my great-grandfather. These are keepsakes that are very dear to us and will continue to be cherished by future generations.
It is our goal to design and make pieces that have that same kind of value to you and your family.
As I get older, I find myself looking for ways to give a special gift to my kids. This isn't a physical gift, this is something deeper. This is time spent together, wisdom, joy, passion, a small legacy.
Having realized that our busy, out of sync lives wouldn't really allow us to enjoy a weekend getaway, my solution was to start a small family business, with each of us contributing in our own way, all of us pulling together in the same direction, even while physically being miles apart.
Everything we design and make in our shop is done through a unique blend of technology and old world craftsmanship. The craftsmanship has been passed on through generations of our family. Many of us have pieces of furniture or art that were made by my grandfather. I even have a nativity scene, made in Germany, that was passed on from my great-grandfather. These are keepsakes that are very dear to us and will continue to be cherished by future generations.
It is our goal to design and make pieces that have that same kind of value to you and your family.
We would be honored to make something just for you.
come good home woodcrafters
Copyright 2017